1147 Tom Ginnever Ave, O'Fallon, MO 63366  (636) 497-6909

Wounded Heart


Hope for Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse

The Wounded Heart is a 12 week support group which offers hope to those who have experienced childhood sexual abuse in its many forms, want to get help for themselves, and help others who have had similar experiences. The group is offered separately for men and women. There is a $35 material fee.

For information about upcoming Women’s Meetings, call Janice Wade at (636) 795-5181

Our next class session for women begins Wednesday, January 29nd @ 7:00pm.

For information about upcoming Men’s Meetings, contact Danny Langford at 636-675-4181 or Clint Hill at 918-884-8530

Our next class session for men begins Monday, January 13th @ 7:00pm.