Healing is a Choice
Is committed to taking the hurts and pains that come from living in a fallen world and using them to grow, change and glorify God. We focus on embracing the moments in life that have wounded us and allow God to not only heal them, but use them for his glory.
How do I join the class?
Healing is a Choice is a 10 week long session. The class is held on Monday nights from 7:00-9:00 p.m at the church building. The class is offered once a semester, normally the last week of January and the last week of August. Materials consist of a textbook and workbook which normally costs $17 and can be found on Amazon in Kindle form or hard copy, and on iBooks. Please click on the following link to get the information about the book. (Click Here)
Class Members:
Anyone is eligible to take the Healing is a Choice class. We all suffer and we all need God’s help to grow and learn from our pain.
Our next class session begins Monday, January 27th @ 7:00pm and continues for 10 weeks.
For more information or to sign up for the next class, men can call Steven Wells at 713-305-8009 and women can call Marci Caudill at 636-293-2323